Gates of the Mountains Foundation College Scholarship

May 01, 2024 All day

 The application will be graded on financial need, defined goals, scholastic achievement, school and extracurricular activities, character, and leadership. To receive the second year of this two-year scholarship, the applicant must provide proof of completion of year one as a full-time student in good standing and a study plan as a full-time second-year student by June of year one.  

The follwoing items must accompany thge application:

  1. A personal letter summarizing the applicant's inteneded us of  funds, their gols in education, and their financial need plus areas of involvement and /ro ciircumstances in 500 words or less;
  2. Two separate letters of reference from a teacher, clergy, employer or other person well acquainted with the applicant, none of whom are related to the applicant,
  3. A transcript of grades, current to the time of application, showing a 2.9 GPA or above or success ful completion of a GED/HiSet certification.

For a copy of the application, please visit the Gates of the Mountain Foundation.